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Herentals, Belgium

  • Platinum partner Platinum partner

Xylos is an AudioCodes Platinum partner

Xylos has over 35 years of experience delivering ICT solutions that contribute to the success of organisations. From modern workplaces to smart applications and cloud migrations: we deliver solutions that inspire our customer. We focus on innovation thanks to the specialised expertise of our consultants. We offer strategic advice tailored to your needs and support your end users during your change project. To further strengthen our digital services, we also launched three digital brands: Livewall, Neo and Bagaar. The secret behind our success is our corporate culture. Our 250+ staff members make Xylos a Great Place to Work, day after day.

Diamantstraat 10, ENA 21 - Z1, 2200 Herentals, Belgium

Tel: +32 3 545 67 89

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