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What is a Media Gateway?

A media gateway is a device that translates and bridges different communication networks, enabling the seamless exchange of data between systems that use different communication protocols or formats. Its primary function is to convert media to streams, such as voice, video or data, from one format to another to ensure compatibility between different networks or devices.

Media Gateways in the Real World

Media gateways are commonly used in telecommunications networks, especially during the transition from traditional circuit-switched networks to IP-based networks. They play a crucial role in facilitating communication between devices and networks that use different technologies, ensuring that diverse communications systems can work together seamlessly.

Businesses typically use media gateways to extend the life of legacy TDM gear, legacy PBXs, analog phones and access equipment, and analog lines for elevator phones, alarm systems and fax machines, while gradually introducing IP-based technologies.

What Capabilities Do Enterprise Media Gateways Provide for IT Organizations?

  • Add SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) trunking services to legacy PBX installations
  • Connect legacy infrastructure to new IP-based cores
  • Protect and extend previous TDM and analog equipment investments
  • Preserve existing line equipment
  • Avoid expensive rip-and-replace upgrades
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