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Training Partners Program

Global or regional training firms who are certified by AudioCodes for the delivery of AudioCodes branded training sessions


Training partners are global or regional training firms who are certified by AudioCodes for the delivery of AudioCodes branded training sessions. The content of these training sessions is constantly updated by AudioCodes' Training Department, and is designed to create and maintain market knowledge of VoIP technologies and the use of AudioCodes equipment. AudioCodes’ channel partners, application partners and end customers use this network of training partners in order to maintain their certification, position themselves as experts in their field, and gain the knowledge required to support AudioCodes-based VoIP networks.

AudioCodes qualifies and certifies partners that have deep knowledge in the following topics:
AudioCodes SBC

  • Broad TDM and SIP interoperability
  • Scalable and reliable platforms
  • High availability configurations
  • Advanced voice quality mechanisms and monitoring

The partners’ certified engineer should have the following certifications:

  • AudioCodes Essentials & Configuration certificate (ACA certificate).
  • AudioCodes SBC Testing & Troubleshooting (ACA certificate).
  • AudioCodes SBC in Microsoft Teams Environment - Advanced (ACP certificate).
  • AudioCodes SBC: Advanced Interworking & Security (ACP certificate).
  • AudioCodes SBC: Advanced Routing & Multitenancy (ACP certificate).
  • Authorized Technical Trainer (ATT certificate).

After the qualification and training procedure and based on the trainer certification, the following partners are authorized to deliver AudioCodes courses:

  • Actis

    AudioCodes SBC: Essentials & Configuration

    AudioCodes SBC in Microsoft Direct Routing Environment

    AudioCodes SBC: ACA Re-certification

  • Topas

    AudioCodes SBC: Essentials & Configuration

    AudioCodes SBC: Testing & Troubleshooting

    AudioCodes SBC: ACA Re-certification

    AudioCodes SBC in Microsoft Direct Routing Environment

    AudioCodes SBC in Microsoft Teams Environment - Advanced

    AudioCodes SBC: Advanced Interworking & Security

    AudioCodes SBC: Advanced Routing & Multitenancy

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